How to sign up your child

Due to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) compliance, no one under the age of 13 can create an account.  This page shows you how to set up our system so that your child can still be shown in the system, without breaking this compliance.

You can watch a video which is similar to the following by clicking here

Click the following link:

You will see a screen like this, fill in your email address in the Create an Account area (you want to sign yourself up first because you will be paying for the lesson - of course you can always come to one of our classes too, but that is not the important thing right now)

Then, Click on Next> Button

After you click the Next button, you will fill in YOUR (the parent) information like so:

At this point, you want to click over on #3 the button to "Add Family Member", then you want to fill in the information for your child in the new fields that pop up and click the save button there. That does NOT yet add either you or your child to the system.

This is what it looks like after adding your child, you can see that you can add more family members at the same time.

So after all that information is correct, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, check the box to accept the liability waiver, and click on "Create Account".